Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #7

     I don’t know if everyone else is feeling the same way, but I sure have numerous assignments to complete in the next six week and I am certainly feeling the crunch!  I think I might need to make a Google Doc note to help me organize all my projects, exams, and essays that are coming due!  Well... I presume you may have figured this out already from my previous statement; nonetheless this week’s digital exploration began with Google Docs and TodaysMeet!  I had a good chuckle as I started working through the weekly building background and learning activities because I quickly realized that I have in fact used this system before!   I thought to myself... finally I have a little experience with a Cloud based collaboration tool we are exploring. J

    Although this week learning activities primarily focused on connecting with our research partners and use of the Google Docs/Slides, I also believe it was necessary to help us expand our personal learning environments in order to become more effective digital citizens.  Additionally, it helped us establish an alternate method of communicating with our partners on an Internet based tool called TodaysMeet. As stated above, I have already used Google Drive before therefore I didn’t really struggle with the system’s platform.  However, it has been updated so I decided to re-familiarize myself with the PowerPoint or “Slides” feature seeing that my partners and I need to develop a presentation on Digital Security.  Here is the link to my PowerPoint presentation called “Google Docs Experiment!” that I created in Google Slides. 

      I similarly agree with Abby from our ADED 1P32 class when she mentioned in her Weekly Refection #7 that Google Docs could be used in many different stages of education (Myers, 2015).  I have also noticed that my sister is using this system much earlier than I had and is additionally utilizing many more features than I ever did at her age.  It certainly can be stated that children today are being introduced to these Cloud based tools younger and younger!  However, not only can this Google Doc be beneficial with education it also is a great tool to use in a workplace environment. I believe working on assignments or projects through this collaboration instrument actually holds everyone accountable.  I certainly can relate this concept to my personal work setting.  I am a lifeguard and I work in partnership with many other lifeguards during my shift.  If we do not participate or take on the required responsibilities of our duties, it could result in serious consequences.  We all have to work together as a team and be dependable team players. This is 100% necessary to keep the pool safe and operating efficiently.  The same concept applies when working on projects or assignments within Google Drive. People rely on one another by collaborating their work to get the job done right!  Therefore, I believe Google Docs is great because it encourages a positive team environment where everyone can be a responsible team player and effective digital citizen.      

     Now where will I place this digital tool in my PLE chart and will I continue using this digital tool? I definitely will be placing this tool under the creating and connecting categories. This tool will be very useful in producing group presentations, educational documents, and projects in my present and future undertakings.  Lastly, I would like to share an interesting item and video that was fed into my Feedly Reader.  This video is titled Why sitting is bad for you.  It really made me think about what affects sitting may have on our bodies that's for sure.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Take care all,


 Dalkilinç, M. ©(2015).

 Dalkilinç, M. (2015) Why sitting is bad for you.Ted-Ed. Retrieved from
Google Docs. Retrieved from
Myers, A. (2015) Weekly Report and Reflection: Week 7. Retrieved from
Reschke, A. (2015). Google Docs Experiment! Retrieved from
TodaysMeet. Retrieved from

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