My adventure with VoiceThread...

     My initial impression and reaction to VoiceThread was certainly a positive one!  This interactive slide show system allows people to communicate, connect, and even create with one another.  The concept behind this Internet tool is quite basic, which makes it easy to be utilized by all ages.  This platform permits a user to embed pictures, documents, and videos right into the slide show.  Best of all, it will allow a person to narrate the slide audibly if they desire to do so. This is a great advantage to the learner. Giving a vocal clarification can remove any misinterpretations that could surface when information is only given in a written form. One additional feature that I thought was really neat was the fact that you can draw on the slide and highlight text when needed.

     I definitely enjoyed exploring VoiceThread!  It was an experience that I have never had before.  Initially I was a little intimidated by it yet once I recorded myself and replayed it back, it felt quite comfortable to use.  I did not use the video recorder this time but I probably will try that later…as I have too many assignments due on Monday! I would add this tool to the creating and communicating subtitles of my PLE chart.  At the present time I am not sure I have a use for this tool or that it could benefit my education.  However, I could definitely see myself using this system in a vocational setting.  This tool could be used to send a personal message to a group of employees or staff members that you may be responsible for, as it allows fifty members to be connected to the same account.  There often is not enough time or opportunity to meet with all staff members at once.  Often employees are traveling or have different shift schedules.  Therefore, this would give a manager or employer the opportunity to communicate the same message to all staff members at the identical time, and gives the employee the flexibility of listening or watching the message at his or her convenience. 



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