Friday, April 10, 2015

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #12

Last Blog ...     

     Yes… the day has arrived and this is my last blog post for my online digital course! I am happy in the sense that I have now completed this course, however I have become accustomed to writing my thoughts and opinions on these posts so it might be something I continue doing. J

     This week’s digital adventure began with us having to Google ourselves.  When we first started this course, I was certainly flying under the radar.  As it turns out, it is still quite hard to find my name online and it seems to be due to the fact that there are some people with the same name as mine.  I must say I had a good laugh when I realized how popular my name was in Germany!  I actually had to place the word "Blog" after my name before I came up with a hit and even then it was not on the first line!  I was fairly surprised at these results because I have participated actively in all of our lessons and activities.  However, the one thing it did confirm to me was that I have managed to maintain a good digital footprint! 

     Now on to our weekly question… how will I be promoting digital citizenship now that I truly understand what it means to live and work in a digital society?  Well, to start I believe setting a good example is probably the best form and most effective way of myself to encourage proper digital citizenship. First, I think it is really important to begin practicing and promoting this in our own lives and homes. Furthermore, since I am now more educated and knowledgeable about safe and appropriate practices of digital citizenship, I will certainly continue to teach and impart my wisdom to others. Teaching others is a huge part of being a good digital citizen. Promoting good digital citizenship and skills I have acquired is a vital role of living and working in a digital society. I also believe if I notice any practices that are not suitable as a digizen, it is now my responsibility and right to kindly inform individuals of inappropriate use…. How else will we break the cycle?  Even if this means I have to give a gentle reminder informing my younger sister, mother or father, and friends about unsafe habits in a digital world. I certainly have learned it is definitely worth sharing our knowledge we attain with other people because both individuals benefit from it, and truly is our responsibility!  

The Grotto!                                              
Reschke, A. © (2014)

Finally, it is time to say goodbye for now, I wish my Instructor and all of my fellow classmates a great summer! 

PS. If you ever get a chance to explore the North Bruce definitely visit Tobermory, Ontario!  It is my home away from home!  The above picture is the Grotto and it is located in the Bruce National Park.  The views are incredible (as you can see from the picture) and it is an amazing place to swim and camp if that is something you like to do!  

Take care everyone!



  1. Hey Alex,
    I always envied people with popular names, I could never find my name on those childhood personalized pencils with common names engraved. I couldn't help but somewhat relate to you when searching for a form of your identity.
    Your blog has been a pleasure to read, hope you enjoy your summer!


  2. Hey Kylee,

    Glad you could relate to my Blog! Your blog was great to read too :)

