Sunday, April 5, 2015

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #11

      Ok everyone… the countdown is on and I can see the finish line!!!  I have 12 days left till summer break begins and as I write this on my blog I cannot believe my second year of university is coming to an end.  Spring is certainly just around the corner because Easter weekend is almost here and I am now hearing the birds chirping outside my window every morning.  I can’t speak for everybody else but I so look forward to the summer for numerous reasons.   However, the two most important ones are because I can go up north for rest and relaxation, and secondly because my best friend is coming home from Ireland!  We often Skype each other (glad for this digital technology) but I must say its not the same as hanging out in person. 

     Now let’s talk a little about this week’s digital adventure!  I will start by stating that this week’s lesson indeed sparked my interest, however not really for my own personal gain.  It has been one of my mother’s life long dreams to have her own radio show with her best friend.  They are really close and always have a great time together.  However, most of all they are very compassionate about being the best mom’s that they can be.  So when this subject came up about Podcasts, I felt that it would give me a great opportunity to search and explore these Web 2.0 digital tools and pass on the information I learned to both of them.  Perhaps even help set them up for their own personal video or audio Podcast! 

   The word “podcast” actually means Portable On-Demand Broadcast (K12learning20,  2008).  A podcast is similar to a radio show however I believe it has much more flexibility because there is no specific time that you have to listen to the show.  The show is available to hear whenever it is convenient for your own personal schedule.  Therefore, the time and place to listen to the broadcasts become more flexible and best of all they are free!  One advantage of a podcast is the fact that it is downloadable, either to your computer or iPods.  However, you will need to subscribe to the RSS feed (K12learning20, 2008).  This RSS feed is a little more unique then the typical feed.  This RSS reader is known as a “pod catcher” (K12learning20, 2008).  
     I decided to use Garageband for recording my podcast and then I downloaded it to SoundCloud to get an embedding code to post it on my Blog.  That was a little tricky… however eventually with some help from Dave (thanks again!) I was able to successfully download it.  Nevertheless, if you are still having some issues with podcasting maybe connect with Justin, because he has done them before and is probably very knowledgeable if you need assistance (Kowalsky, 2015).  Below is my first ever podcast just in case you didn't have the opportunity to see it!

     Once again, I definitely had fun and enjoyed this tool but for now I will not add this to my PLE Chart.  For one, I don’t talk enough to have my own podcast… I am really more of a listener than talker.  Which has challenged me sometimes in the amount I participate in my seminars.  Nonetheless, I don’t consider this experience a time waster because I now have the knowledge and skills to help my mom and her best friend begin their life long dream of being a “voice to many” in the digital world! 

Reschke, A. ©(2015)
     Last but not least, here is a great read on whether a person should pursue a Master's Degree. It is titled "Should You Get A Master's Degree" from the website Study Successful.  I thought it might be a good read for those that are finishing their degree's this year and thinking about returning! 

Take care all,


Kowalsky, J. (2015, April, 3). Week 11 Podcast. Retrieved from
K12learning20 (2008). Exploring Podcasting. Retrieved from
Study Successful (2015). Should You Get A Master's Degree. Retrieved from


  1. Alex! Great job on the podcast! Your contributions to the course content continue to set a fantastic example for exactly what skills, knowledge, and attitude look like manifested in practice. Well done! :)

  2. Thanks Dave !

    Glad you enjoyed podcast! It was fun making :)

