Friday, March 20, 2015

The technology scenario I have chosen...

Scenario #10

Kevin has just purchased the latest video game, Too Fast ’22.  He and his friends enjoy playing games on the computer.  His best friend Vince also likes to play video games, but doesn’t have the money to buy the latest games.  Kevin decides to be a good friend and give a copy of the game to Vince. 

     Well, I can certainly relate to this scenario because I have played video games for years and still enjoy doing so for my pass time.  However, Kevin has definitely made a poor choice by giving his friend Vince a copy of the video game.  Not only is this wrong and inappropriate, it is actually against the law.  Digital law is "the electronic responsibility for actions and deeds" (Ribble, 2011:31).  Digital law is part of the digital world. It must be respected and followed if an individual wants to freely partake in a digital world and  maintain a positive digital footprint.  Digital law really is no different than the laws created for social living.  As citizens of our communities we must obey and conform to the laws to remain free and active members of our societies.  If we chose not to submit to rules there will be repercussions and consequences for such corrupt behaviour.  Sometimes the consequences could even mean that an individual will not be able to remain in society and be placed in jail.  Many people do not even think that copying a music CD or game is wrong, let alone illegal.  In 2011 the Canadian government decided to get serious about the escalating issues revolving around copying video games, DVD’s, and e-books (Chase, 2011).  It is definitely illegal to share or copy material that is copyrighted or has intellectual property rights (Ribble, 2011).  A person can receive a large fine or even be jailed (Dachis, 2012). Scary stuff that’s for sure!

     I believe that Kevin was feeling the pressures of just wanting to help his best friend Vince.  Nonetheless, it would have been best for Kevin to just lend his friend the video game or invite his friend over to play it at his house.  Borrowing video games is an appropriate option; my friends and I have done this many times in the past. It was an incorrect choice to cave to these forms of implicit peer pressure or guilt and make a copy of this game.  An alternative option would be to purchase the game when it’s been on the market for a while or buy a used copy from a restore.  Most of the games drop in value and become much more affordable.  Kevin may think he is being a good friend but he actually is not.  Truthfully, he is being a very poor example of a good digital citizen to his best friend Vince and others he associates with.  He needs to be taught and reminded of proper digital citizenship and educated about suitable ethics, copyright laws, and legal rights and responsibilities within the cyber world.


Reschke, A. © (2015)


Chase, S. (2011). Law cracks down on digital piracy in Canada. Retrieved from

 Ribble, M. (2011). Digital citizenship in schools (2nd ed.). Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education.


  1. Hi Alex!
    I think that Kevin was just trying to do something nice to his friend without thinking of the consequences! What he did is just like downloading pirated movies, video games and even books online! Many people still do those things today since it is free and it is not hard at all to do so.Many go to the movies, record the entire film then upload it online illegally for others to download. These are all the same things! However, Kevin did not use technology appropriately since he made a copy of copyrighted material! Usually when you buy a movie or a video game, it is stated on the labels that you don't have the right to make a copy. As you said it can result in jail time. Although his intentions were good, what he did was wrong. He wanted to be nice to his friend but only does he know he could have sent both of them to jail.
    Great post!

  2. Thanks for you response Manal! I have also heard of people downloading a movie at the theatre... it often surprises me of what risks individuals will take in order to see a free movie.

    Take care,

  3. Hey Alex,
    Like yourself I'm very into video games and I cannot believe how expensive games have become over the years, I could definitely see why the boy had made a copy for his friend, but like you said it is against the law. I have had friends that would either make a copy of a game for a friend or even torrent the game themselves, it is something that I feel is so commonly done - just like downloading music or movies for free. I feel like the law is taken as a joke and it's unfortunate because it can effect people's careers.
    Thank you for posting your insight, it was interesting to read

  4. Thanks for you post Kylee! I know it is just a scenario however I think we all can relate to this situation because it is quite a common problem like you stated. Your right when you say that people seem to think the law is a joke. I am very thankful I have parents who in fact respect the laws and continue to encourage appropriate behaviour in our household.

    Take care,

  5. Hey Alex!

    Such an informative post! I totally agree with you! I used to play video games myself and yes, it can be very tempting to just simply copy the game for a friend. But like you said, unfortunately, it is against the law. People do not take the laws related to the online community as serious as to other laws that can be dealt with more tangibly. Most of the younger generation now-a-day doesn't understand that copying a game in such a way is also a form of stealing. Teenager and children such as Kevin and Vince just needs to educate themselves more about being an responsible digital citizen just like how you pointed out!

    Great post!! :D

  6. Hey Helen,

    Thanks so much for your feedback! Wish you all the best with your exam. :)

