Sunday, February 8, 2015

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #4

     Well it has been a very busy assignments are piling up and midterms begin this week.  Nonetheless, I am trying to remain on track with our digital online course.  This week's digital exploration began with learning all about content curation and bookmarking tools in the cloud.  I found this very interesting because a few weeks prior to learning about this social digital tool I actually wanted to investigate this.  So now I get the chance to give it a try!  

      After exploring both Diigo and Delicious I decided to chose Diigo because it just seemed more appealing to me personally and I liked the fact that I could use it on various technology devices such as my android phone, iPad, and all the web browsers I currently use.  I actually installed this personal information management system on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.  They all work slightly different on each browser nevertheless; Firefox and Chrome are comparable for ease of use.  I also like the fact that I can highlight, make sticky notes and add text to certain passages and articles I read online.  I can even share all my information I annotate, as well as capture a full screen shot of the web page or material found.  I am very much a visual learner and for that reason I appreciated this feature.  Like all of the new digital tools we have explored, I needed a few minutes to figure out how the bookmarking tool operated.  However, once I became familiar with how to use this tool, it was clear sailing. J

     Having also established my Google Alerts and Feedly accounts prior to setting up Diigo,  I ended up having plenty of legitimate sources to draw from and permanently add them to my Diigo library.  I really enjoyed reading the TRASH Test article.  This definitely bought clarity and understanding to what actually may be the best content to curate, as well as help me determine the validity of a websites material posted.  I like how it recommended looking at the age of the posting, whether there was contact information available, and if the article was helpful. After using the TRASH Test to guide me, I decided to insert my first bookmark to my library.  I was given the option to tag the item of interest under many different labels.  This was an extremely important feature for myself because I often forget where or what words I have used to save documents.  It gave a much broader search engine and quicker way of finding a article for future use.  I can totally see myself using this curation tool to aid in my education, future career goals, and general areas of interest.  I love the fact that I am being fed articles from Feedly and Google Alerts about policing or law and now have the ability to immediately bookmark them for future benefit.  Staying up-to-date on these issues will allow me too share important matters of interest in a school or occupational environment.  Diigo in general, is a user-friendly research tool that helps people stay organized.  I would highly recommend this digital instrument for all digital citizens.  It is a wonderful addition to my current PLE and digital footprint!

My Diigo Screen!
Reschke, A. ©2015.

     Lastly, I would like to share an article with you all from my RSS Feed.  It was posted on The The Brock News website I have subscribed too and is called The preservation of historical Canadian data is at risk: experts’ panel.  A great read regarding memory institutions such as libraries and museums adapting to the current digital age of technology and problems with preservation of information.  If get a chance to read this it certainly is worth while!

Until next week...


Delicious. Retrieved from
Diigo. Retrieved from
Ipadguy 2.0 (2012). to Retrieved from
The Brock News (2015). The preservation of historical Canadian data is at risk: experts’ panel. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexander! It's good to see you recognize that after getting over first impressions of a tool and building your familiarization it becomes apparent how effective some of these tools are. And the more tools you become familiar with, the easier it becomes to check out new tools and develop your digital skills and knowledge further. Well done!
