Sunday, February 1, 2015

My Experience with RSS Feeds

This week's digital adventure began with exploring RSS feeds and the reader of choice named Feedly.  Once again, I had no prior knowledge of either one of these digital technologies... however this is exactly why I am taking this course!  After discovering what RSS feeds and readers actually are... I immediately knew this would be a great addition to my personal learning environment (PLE)!  I certainly have been doing things the "old way" as it stated in the short video called RSS in Plain English.  I believe anything that can save me time with the world of digital learning, my university education, or just obtaining general knowledge from the world is definitely a tool that I need in my toolbox. J

It's All About The RSS Feeds!
William, N. © 2010.
Although, I will confess it was a bit overwhelming when I started setting up this innovative  reader.   Nonetheless, when I finally figured out how to use the system I quickly began benefiting from its daily use.  As a matter of fact I had to put the brakes on… and watch how many sites I was connecting to my reader.  Initially I downloaded many different sites of interest pertaining to education, news, health, and of course digital citizenship.  Over the past few days I have already subscribed, deleted, added, and reorganized my Feedly reader.  This was necessary in order to limit the amounts of feeds that were coming into my Feedly reader.  One site and feed that I have particular interest in is the Niagara Regional Police Service News & Events.  This of course may not be a surprise to you all because of the career choice I am pursuing.  While this website is very beneficial too myself, I also believe it can keep local citizens and even fellow students aware of important matters, changes, and concerns within our society through the Police Service.

To be continued...


Feedly. Retrieved from
Lefever, L. (2007). RSS in Plain English. Retrieved from:
Niagara Regional Police Service News & Events. Retrieved from
William, N. (2010). RSS Feeds. Retrieved from

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