Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #3

           Hello again fellow ADED 1P32 students.  Today I would like to begin by reflecting on what new skills, knowledge, and fun I have actually had these past few weeks!  Yes I said fun... on the other hand it has also been hard work too.  However, like my father always says "you reap what you sow".  Therefore, I am trying to sow as much as I can, so the skills I learn during this digital adventure will benefit me later in my life.  Whether it is through my education, career, or even future relationships.

           So what new knowledge have I gained about my digital citizenship?  Well, I will list only a few because there are already so many.  I have learned all about my PLE and PLN, rules of the web through Netiquette, the nine elements of digital citizenship, and various programs such as Wordle and Popplet.  However, this past week I was introduced to the world of RSS Feeds, Readers, and the overwhelming benefits of both them!  First, I love the fact that all this information is coming to me.  It allows me the opportunity to scan the titles and see whether or not it may be something I am interested in or would like to read for pleasure.  I additionally like the fact that I can "save them for later".  This tab reminded me of our bookmark tabs in Safari and Chrome, or whatever web browser you may use.  

 Feedly is a great addition to my personal learning environment.  This digital tool was not included in my Mind Map PLE chart that we developed for our Weekly Report Reflection Post #2.  Feedly is a RSS (really simple syndication) aggregator and is a great addition to my PLN.  I love how this RSS reader brings the daily news, blogs of interest, pod casts, and personal items I desire to learn about all to one location!  It has already saved me so much time.  I will confess it was slightly overwhelming the first day I visited Feedly and saw the results of what I had subscribed to.  I believe I had over 250 feeds to go through!  However, once I became accustomed to the system and how to use it, my experience turned into a positive one.  So I will definitely have to adjust my PLE chart and add a new subtitle labeled “Aggregator”. The more the merry right!  

 I already have so many amazing feeds however I can only choose one!  The RSS feed I would like to share with you all this week is called Study Successful.  I discovered a really interesting article linked to this feed regarding the subject of health and exercise.  The article and video by Stefan Knapen (2013) was called the "7 Minute Workout".  It was very short although quite informative.  He also posted a link to an additional article called HIGH-INTENSITY CIRCUIT TRAINING USING BODY WEIGHT.  I highly recommend reading this article if you have the time.  It discusses the traditional ways of aerobic training versus the high-intensity training, and the benefits of a shorter time high-intensity exercise programs.  As stated by Klika and Jordan (2013), we live in a society that is constantly time restricted and therefore may benefit from more efficient ways of exercising.  It also discussed the advantages of this form of exercise in relation to decreasing insulin resistance.  A fascinating read if you enjoy this type of information!  

          One final note... isn't it great that we can share information and things that we have learned from our RSS feeds on our own blogs!  Of course I will remember number six of the nine elements of digital citizenship.  It is the element of Digital Law and it informs us that we must properly give credit to individuals when sharing files from websites.  Whether it may be in the form of articles, photos, videos, or even music (Ribble, 2011).  

My Feedly Screenshot!
Reschke, A. ©2015.

Take care everyone,


Feedly. Retrieved from

Klika, B., & Jordan, C. (2013). HIGH-INTENSITY CIRCUIT TRAINING USING BODY WEIGHT: Maximum Results With Minimal Investment. ACSM'S Health & Fitness Journal, 17(3), 8-13. Retrieved January 28, 2015, from
Knapen, S. (2013). 7-minute-workoutStudy Successful Retrieved from
 Ribble, M. (2011). Digital citizenship in schools (2nd ed.). Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education.
William, N. (2010). RSS Feeds. Retrieved from


  1. Excellent work Alexander! Your father sounds like a wise man and you sound like you're well on your way to following in his footsteps in that regard. Good to hear that you're finding value in the course explorations! Great job crediting your sources. :)

  2. Thanks Dave I appreciate your encouraging words!
