Friday, April 10, 2015

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #12

Last Blog ...     

     Yes… the day has arrived and this is my last blog post for my online digital course! I am happy in the sense that I have now completed this course, however I have become accustomed to writing my thoughts and opinions on these posts so it might be something I continue doing. J

     This week’s digital adventure began with us having to Google ourselves.  When we first started this course, I was certainly flying under the radar.  As it turns out, it is still quite hard to find my name online and it seems to be due to the fact that there are some people with the same name as mine.  I must say I had a good laugh when I realized how popular my name was in Germany!  I actually had to place the word "Blog" after my name before I came up with a hit and even then it was not on the first line!  I was fairly surprised at these results because I have participated actively in all of our lessons and activities.  However, the one thing it did confirm to me was that I have managed to maintain a good digital footprint! 

     Now on to our weekly question… how will I be promoting digital citizenship now that I truly understand what it means to live and work in a digital society?  Well, to start I believe setting a good example is probably the best form and most effective way of myself to encourage proper digital citizenship. First, I think it is really important to begin practicing and promoting this in our own lives and homes. Furthermore, since I am now more educated and knowledgeable about safe and appropriate practices of digital citizenship, I will certainly continue to teach and impart my wisdom to others. Teaching others is a huge part of being a good digital citizen. Promoting good digital citizenship and skills I have acquired is a vital role of living and working in a digital society. I also believe if I notice any practices that are not suitable as a digizen, it is now my responsibility and right to kindly inform individuals of inappropriate use…. How else will we break the cycle?  Even if this means I have to give a gentle reminder informing my younger sister, mother or father, and friends about unsafe habits in a digital world. I certainly have learned it is definitely worth sharing our knowledge we attain with other people because both individuals benefit from it, and truly is our responsibility!  

The Grotto!                                              
Reschke, A. © (2014)

Finally, it is time to say goodbye for now, I wish my Instructor and all of my fellow classmates a great summer! 

PS. If you ever get a chance to explore the North Bruce definitely visit Tobermory, Ontario!  It is my home away from home!  The above picture is the Grotto and it is located in the Bruce National Park.  The views are incredible (as you can see from the picture) and it is an amazing place to swim and camp if that is something you like to do!  

Take care everyone!


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #11

      Ok everyone… the countdown is on and I can see the finish line!!!  I have 12 days left till summer break begins and as I write this on my blog I cannot believe my second year of university is coming to an end.  Spring is certainly just around the corner because Easter weekend is almost here and I am now hearing the birds chirping outside my window every morning.  I can’t speak for everybody else but I so look forward to the summer for numerous reasons.   However, the two most important ones are because I can go up north for rest and relaxation, and secondly because my best friend is coming home from Ireland!  We often Skype each other (glad for this digital technology) but I must say its not the same as hanging out in person. 

     Now let’s talk a little about this week’s digital adventure!  I will start by stating that this week’s lesson indeed sparked my interest, however not really for my own personal gain.  It has been one of my mother’s life long dreams to have her own radio show with her best friend.  They are really close and always have a great time together.  However, most of all they are very compassionate about being the best mom’s that they can be.  So when this subject came up about Podcasts, I felt that it would give me a great opportunity to search and explore these Web 2.0 digital tools and pass on the information I learned to both of them.  Perhaps even help set them up for their own personal video or audio Podcast! 

   The word “podcast” actually means Portable On-Demand Broadcast (K12learning20,  2008).  A podcast is similar to a radio show however I believe it has much more flexibility because there is no specific time that you have to listen to the show.  The show is available to hear whenever it is convenient for your own personal schedule.  Therefore, the time and place to listen to the broadcasts become more flexible and best of all they are free!  One advantage of a podcast is the fact that it is downloadable, either to your computer or iPods.  However, you will need to subscribe to the RSS feed (K12learning20, 2008).  This RSS feed is a little more unique then the typical feed.  This RSS reader is known as a “pod catcher” (K12learning20, 2008).  
     I decided to use Garageband for recording my podcast and then I downloaded it to SoundCloud to get an embedding code to post it on my Blog.  That was a little tricky… however eventually with some help from Dave (thanks again!) I was able to successfully download it.  Nevertheless, if you are still having some issues with podcasting maybe connect with Justin, because he has done them before and is probably very knowledgeable if you need assistance (Kowalsky, 2015).  Below is my first ever podcast just in case you didn't have the opportunity to see it!

     Once again, I definitely had fun and enjoyed this tool but for now I will not add this to my PLE Chart.  For one, I don’t talk enough to have my own podcast… I am really more of a listener than talker.  Which has challenged me sometimes in the amount I participate in my seminars.  Nonetheless, I don’t consider this experience a time waster because I now have the knowledge and skills to help my mom and her best friend begin their life long dream of being a “voice to many” in the digital world! 

Reschke, A. ©(2015)
     Last but not least, here is a great read on whether a person should pursue a Master's Degree. It is titled "Should You Get A Master's Degree" from the website Study Successful.  I thought it might be a good read for those that are finishing their degree's this year and thinking about returning! 

Take care all,


Kowalsky, J. (2015, April, 3). Week 11 Podcast. Retrieved from
K12learning20 (2008). Exploring Podcasting. Retrieved from
Study Successful (2015). Should You Get A Master's Degree. Retrieved from

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Report and Reflection Post #10

     I can only sum up this portion of my digital adventure to three words..."WHAT A BLAST!”  I had such a great time browsing around this online presentation tool called Animoto and making my promotional slide show video on Copyrights.  Again, I spent probably too much time on it, but its just one of those systems like Wordle that you simply want to explore.  This remixing presentation system is relatively straight foreword and I really didn't have any difficulties other than trying to figure out where to put my citations for the images I used.  Eventually after digging around on the Internet I realized that I could in fact make a PowerPoint slide of them and download it as a JPEG file so it would be compatible with the downloading system on Animoto.  I actually was not bothered by this challenge… because it is in fact part of my learning process in this digital adventure!  Finally with a push of a couple of buttons my video on Copyrights was produced!  The more we explore, I am finding it easier and easier to grasp the concepts of new digital tools.  Additionally, the more we discover, the more I am realizing how beneficial all these tools could be in my future.  However, what I have also learned in detail in this session is that it is my digital responsibility of a digital citizen to be aware and follow the copyright laws of the digital world.

    Now the question arises, where could I add this to my PLE Chart and will I...? I will certainly add this presentation tool to my PLE.  I believe I will add it to the communication and education subtitle.  However, it could also be used as a collaboration tool, because a group of people could collaboratively put all their knowledge of a topic on one slide show as well.  Additionally, it is a great communication tool because it gives us an opportunity to communicate to others on any subject of interest we desire too!   Whether it may be on our favourite music, clothes, a great trip you went on…the list could go on and on. 
    Truthfully, I am so glad I enrolled in the course; the things I have learned are indeed priceless.  These digital tools are not just for my current education; they will be for a lifetime of learning whether in my education, career, or social life endeavours.  I am also learning that even though a digital tool may not seem so appealing to me at first, I still need to press on and give it a good effort before saying "no" to it.  I was reading one of our classmate’s blog and Salha said that she really likes Prezi (Aziz, 2015).  So when I have a little more time after exams are done I am still going to look at this system again and make sure I’m not missing out on anything!

Reschke, A. © (2015)

     Lastly, I would like to share an article with you all from my RSS Feed.  It was posted on The Digital Trends website I have subscribed too and is called Digital Songwriting organizations take to the Senate for better pay from streaming.  I felt that this article fit right in with what we have been researching this whole week on copyrights!   Hope you enjoy the read.

Take care everyone,


Aziz, S. (2015, March 25). Weekly Report & Reflection Post #10. Retrieved from
Palermo, C. (2015, March 27). Digital Songwriting organizations take to the Senate for better pay from streaming. Online [Digital Trends] from Retrieved from