Saturday, January 17, 2015

First Blog...A little more about myself!

     Hello fellow classmates in ADED 1P32!  It’s Alex here, and I will begin by stating that I am really looking forward to what this course has to offer in the up coming weeks and ultimately diving into the “digital world”.  However, before I start I will inform everyone that I have never written a blog before, or even participated in the digital blog world.  So hopefully I can make it interesting enough for you all!

     I am currently a second year honours degree student in Sociology with a Concentration in Criminology, and so far have truly enjoyed my university education experience.  Although, I am not going to deny it has been hard work and very stressful at times.  I am 19 years old; even though people consistently tell me I look like I’m 22.  I’ve grown up in “The Garden City” my whole life.  Yet, even though St. Catharine’s is my hometown, I also believe my physical footprints are split between two places…. I will reveal that special place later in this blog.  Including myself there are four members in my immediate family.  I have a little sister who is five years younger than myself.  She is a firecracker and full of life.  I think if you could define the words “small but mighty” her name would be right beside it.  I try to keep my academic life balanced with hobbies and work.  Presently I am employed as a Lifeguard/Instructor for the city of St. Catharine’s.  Most importantly, I continuously make sure I always leave time to stay active! As my mother always informs me, if I don’t exercise I tend too get a little grumpy J.  I also have been training in the combative art of Muay Thai for roughly two years.  I am participating in this sport because I love the physical exercise and also want to prepare for the career choice of my future. Muay Thai has definitely taught me dedication, integrity, respect for others, and lastly a higher degree of confidence.  It is a fantastic workout and a way to learn some offensive and defensive skills of protection.  I also thoroughly enjoy hiking with my family and friends.  I have always loved the wilderness and have appreciated nature ever since I was little boy. Now, drum roll please… Tobermory, Ontario is that special place!! This beautiful northern town located at the end of Highway 6, has always been the golden destination and vacation spot for my family.  When I was eight years old my mom and dad took us camping there and I instantly fell in love with the environment and atmosphere.  It became my little piece of heaven on earth.  I guess I can say it’s a home away from home, and even though that may sound corny, it’s very true.

     My first career choice is law or policing, although if these don't work I have thought about other options.  My best friend introduced me to the world of fashion and all those expensive name brands most of us know about. However, on a serious note fashion and hairstyles have certainly been two of my favourite pass time interests.  Finally, motorcycles are the newest hobby of mine; this past summer I put a good deal of time effort into rebuilding an old CT-70 trail bike with my father.  This gave me the opportunity to learn about the mechanics of a motorcycle and best of all, how to actually drive one.   My father once owned a Harley Davidson and not long after I was born he decided to sell it.  My mom said “Monkey see Monkey do” and that was the end to the chapter on the Harley Davidson Days.  With that being said my mother is slowly, and I mean slowly, warming up to the idea of maybe purchasing one again.  Although, I won’t hold my breath on that one!  Sorry mom if you read this blog. J

     Well it looks like I could go on and on…I will apologize in advance for my long-winded first blog.  It turns out, I actually don’t mind writing in a digital format and joining the world of bloggers!  Take care all, Alex

Hanging out in Tobermory with my best friend!

Reschke, K. ©2014.

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